Friday 28 June 2013

Legal Restraints

Basically all aspects of making a teaser trailer need to be checked and made sure they don’t mess with the legal restraints. For example, you cannot use any music you like, any references from other movies or products from well-known companies. This is because they go against the copyright laws. Defamation is also a very dangerous subject. It means you cannot show an individual, product, government or anything similar in a negative way.
When filming in the UK, you can film publically, although if you’re filming in non-public places, which restrict commercial filming, you will most likely need a permit. Most films, which involve action scenes with guns or explosions, need to inform the UK police and make sure they have the correct permission. If they don’t, they can be taken to court. The UK is much different to America in these cases. In America, you cannot make more than one trailer a year longer than 2 minutes 30 seconds unless it’s an Internet or home made trailer.
Film posters have to contain a billing block according to a contract between actors and producers. This is a small section at the bottom of the poster which is filled with condensed writing stating information about the film.

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